Example using bison and flex with cygwin on Windows

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Here is an example of how to use bison and flex (yacc and lex) with cygwin on windows xp.
  1. Go to http://www.cygwin.com/, install Cygwin including bison 2.3-1, flex 2.5.4a-3, gcc-core 3.4.4-1, and make 3.81-1.

  2. Create a file called "simple.flex" in "c:\temp":
    #include "simple.tab.h"
    extern int line_number;
    %option noyywrap

    "float" { printf("FROM FLEX FLOAT %s\n", yytext); return FLOAT; }
    "int" { printf("FROM FLEX INT %s\n", yytext); return INT; }
    [;] { return *yytext; }
    [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]* { printf("FROM FLEX IDENTIFIER: %s\n", yytext); return IDENTIFIER; }
    [ \t\r]+ /* eat up whitespace */
    [\n] { line_number++; }

  3. Create a file called "simple.y" in "c:\temp":
    #include "simple_shared.h"
    #define YYSTYPE char *
    int yydebug=1;
    int indent=0;
    char *iden_dum;
    %token FLOAT
    %token INT
    %token IDENTIFIER

    %% /* Grammar rules and actions follow */
    type_specifier identifier_dum ';'
    { printf("%3d: FROM BISON declaration\n", line_number); }
    { printf("%3d: FROM BISON FLOAT\n", line_number); }
    | INT
    { printf("%3d: FROM BISON INT\n", line_number); }
    { iden_dum = $1; printf("%3d: IDENTIFIER: %s\n", line_number, &iden_dum); }

    main ()
    yyparse ();

  4. Create a file called "simple_shared.h" in "c:\temp":
    int line_number=1;

  5. Create a file called "Makefile" in "c:\temp":
    simple: lex.yy.o simple.tab.o           
    gcc -o simple $^

    simple.tab.h: simple.y
    bison --debug --verbose -d simple.y

    simple.tab.c: simple.y
    bison -d simple.y

    lex.yy.c: simple.flex simple.tab.h
    flex simple.flex

  6. Create a file called "input.c" in "c:\temp":

  7. float variable;

  8. Open a Cygwin bash shell.
  9. "cd /cygdrive/c/temp"
  10. "make"
  11. "./simple.exe < input.c"

You should get some output like this:
$ ./simple.exe < input.c                      
Starting parse
Entering state 0
Reading a token: FROM FLEX FLOAT float
Next token is token FLOAT ()
Shifting token FLOAT ()
Entering state 1
Reducing stack by rule 2 (line 21):
$1 = token FLOAT ()
-> $$ = nterm type_specifier ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 4
Reading a token: FROM FLEX IDENTIFIER: variable
Next token is token IDENTIFIER ()
Shifting token IDENTIFIER ()
Entering state 6
Reducing stack by rule 4 (line 27):
$1 = token IDENTIFIER ()
-> $$ = nterm identifier_dum ()
Stack now 0 4
Entering state 7
Reading a token: Next token is token ';' ()
Shifting token ';' ()
Entering state 8
Reducing stack by rule 1 (line 17):
$1 = nterm type_specifier ()
$2 = nterm identifier_dum ()
$3 = token ';' ()
1: FROM BISON declaration
-> $$ = nterm declaration ()
Stack now 0
Entering state 3
Reading a token: Now at end of input.
Stack now 0 3
Cleanup: popping nterm declaration ()
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