Setting up ATT Yahoo DSL with Ubuntu linux

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I ordered new ATT/Yahoo DSL service the day before ordering my Dell 530N desktop with Ubuntu 7.10 Gutsy installed. ATT told me only Windows and Mac were supported for their DSL service. I guess they have an install CD that only runs on Windows or Mac. After some internet searching, I found that it is possible to set up the DSL service without the install CD. Here is the link which helped me with the process. The following is the summary of my steps on Ubuntu linux. I am using a SpeedStream DSL modem; this may or may not work with other modems.

  1. Connect the modem to everything (phone line to phone jack, ethernet cable to your PC, and, of course, the power adapter).
  2. Turn on the modem.
  3. On the underside of my modem was a yellow sticker that said "For Advanced Modem Configuration Go to:"
  4. Go to in your web browser
  5. Enter the following login information:
    • Member ID:
    • Password: sbcyahooreg
  6. Enter in the Modem Access Code found on the bottom of your DSL modem.
  7. It will look like you are connected to the internet at this point, but you won't be able to get to Yahoo or Google. This login provides limited connectivity so you can get to the ATT registration site.
  8. Go to to get to the registration site. (If you are part of another domain, you will need to go to a different registration site. e.g. customers go to
  9. Complete the registration process. You will need your DSL phone number. When you get to the Member ID and password confirmation page, you are done. Print/write down/memorize this information. You do not need to complete the rest of the registration process.
  10. Go back to in your web browser and enter in your new Member ID and password. (You will probably have to logout and then login again.)
  11. You should now be connected to the internet.

Note: this assumes the default Ubuntu 7.10 network configuration which automatically detects your active DSL connection. If you ran pppoeconf by mistake, see this post.

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This is my *OLD* blog. I've copied all of my posts and comments over to my NEW blog at:

Please go there for my updated posts. I will leave this blog up for a short time, but eventually plan to delete it. Thanks for reading.